Fro-yo girl here. So maybe you have fro-yo fans on your list that you don't think will make their own yogurt or frozen yogurt. Here are some additional fro-yo Christmas gift ideas:
* YOGURT BOWLS: Now that supermarkets carry an expanded selection of fro-yo and places like Pinkberry offer a take home size, doesn't your fro-yo friend deserve his/her own special yogurt bowl? I like bowls that come with matching spoons. Add some fro-yo toppings in scoopable containers, like mini M&Ms, roasted almonds, gourmet syrups, organic gummi bears, and mochi balls.
* YOGURT/ICE CREAM TUB: Zak Designs adorable 1 pint container features a freezable gel lid and comes in turquoise, kiwi, orange or white ($11.99) or you can buy a cooler bag so that your friend can transport fro-yo in style.
* YOGURT BOWL FOR DOGS: Yoghund makes fro-yo for dogs and you can even buy yogurt bowls for pets!
You know you love me. X0 X0, fro-yo girl.
I had momo try the froyo dog treats.
Did Momo like it?
Thanks for mentioning Yoghund! We've never seen bowls for dogs just for yogurt but, of course, we approve!
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