Monday, May 25, 2009

Red Mango Fro-yo is Certified as Gluten Free

Fro-yo girl here. A few days ago Red Mango announced that their fro-yo has been certified as gluten free by the Gluten Free Certification Organization (GFCO). According to Red Mango’s founder, president and CEO, Dan Kim, their fro-yo is naturally gluten free but they provided documentation to receive the GF Certification Mark. Stonyfield Farms went through a similar certification process. They didn’t change their yogurts (they were already gluten free).

It’s estimated that 2.3 million Americans cannot consume gluten. Plain fro-yo is gluten free and many flavors of fro-yo are also gluten free. But if the flavor is something like cookies and cream, malt, or yellow cake batter, then the yogurt will most likely contain gluten.

You know you love me. X0 X0, fro-yo girl.


Anonymous said...

Hi Fro-yo girl,
As an expert in the Fro-yo dept. I was hoping to get your input on a new sustainable slick paper spoon.
Think of the billions of petroleum based plastic spoons that get thrown away every year from fro-yo use alone! How do you think the fan base would respond to an eco-friendly alternative spoon?

Im trying figure out how to send you a picture.
there is one picture in the into slideshow on my website @, but I cand send you one in an email if that works for you. Mine is
Id love to hear your thoughts!

Lolia S said...

Hi Peggy,

It's an interesting idea - very convenient. I don't think too much about spoons while I'm eating my fro-yo but I do appreciate an eco-friendly spoon. I like my own fro-yo spoon that came w/ the fro-yo bowl that I purchased.

I know others have complained that some spoons are flimsy or have a funky taste.

Looking at the pictures on your website I wonder if the spoon would be strong enough to hold toppings and also it looks like the edges might not be that smooth? They're nifty but not the most attractive. I'm sure if I were on the run and the spoon were included, I'd use it but would I actually prefer that spoon? I'm not sure that I would because of the appearance/texture (too thin or rough)/comfort of holding a handle factor.