Fro-yo girl here. I spotted a new Yakult branded fridge inside Nijiya Market. It contained two flavors of Yakult Soful yogurt (blueberry and strawberry) and Yakult yogurt drinks. It was my first time seeing Soful. Nijiya was selling Soful for 99 cents. The main ingredients are water, skim milk powder, strawberry juice concentrate, gelatin, and agar.
* Strawberry Soful yogurt: smooth, firm and tangy, like a tart strawberry jello with milk added to it. It's interesting and different. I prefer creamier yogurt.
Apparently Yakult Soful has been available in Mexico since 2007. They registered the Soful trademark in the U.S. in 2008. Somehow I never saw Soful till now. It looks like it comes in Lemon and Natural too, and there are drink versions (also called Soful).
3.5 out of 5 stars
You know you love me. X0 X0, fro-yo girl.
* NIJIYA MARKET:1737 Post St #333, San Francisco, CA
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