Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Tuttimelon Pom Fro-yo Is Back!

Fro-yo girl here. I noticed the new signs in the window of the West Portal Tuttimelon location announcing the return of Tuttimelon Pomegranate fro-yo. They have new postcards with the pom fro-yo on the front and pictures of a banana split and fro-yo brunch parfait on the back. The banana split features 2 gelato flavors, 1 swirl of fro-yo, nuts, banana and chocolate syrup. The brunch parfait is smaller than their regular parfait; it features original tart fro-yo (you can get it w/ flavored tart but it costs extra), your choice of 1 fresh fruit topping, granola and honey for $2.99.

Their pomegranate fro-yo is now made with Pom Wonderful! I thought about their pom fro-yo all day but I didn’t get back to SF in time to go to the West Portal location. I went to the Irving Tuttimelon location but they didn’t have pom (they have blueberry tart and original tart right now). Sadness. I still want my pom fro-yo.

You know you love me. X0 X0, fro-yo girl.

* TUTTIMELON WEST PORTAL: 44 West Portal Ave., San Francisco, CA

Update: I tried the pom fro-yo and it's soooooo good - better than ever, smooth, tart, fruity, and truly tuttilicious. It's my favorite Tuttimelon flavored tart.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish pomegranate seeds were in season