Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Go Greek Beverly Hills Changes to Gel Matic Soft Serve Machines


Fro-yo girl here. During my recent visit to Go Greek in Beverly Hills, I noticed something was different…they have new soft serve machines. The Taylor soft serve machines have been replaced by shiny new Gel Matic soft serve machines. It was my first time seeing Gel Matic machines in a frozen yogurt shop. The texture seemed less dense and lighter compared to Taylor’s machines. But the settings could have been changed, so I’m not sure if the difference is really due to the difference between the machines vs. the settings.

Gel Matic machines are made in Italy. The company has been in business for over 50 years and specializes in express blending technology. The machines looked fancy and said Made in Italy across the top.

Gel Matic soft serve machines are more common in Australia and Europe.

Go Greek in Studio City still uses Taylor soft serve machines.

You know you love me. X0 X0, fro-yo girl.

Looking for more frozen yogurt news, discussion boards, and resources? Check out the International Frozen Yogurt Association website at http://internationalfrozenyogurt.com/. The IFYA is the independent voice of the frozen yogurt industry.

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