Fro-yo girl here. Today I witnessed the Blue Spoon Frenzy at Yogurtland in honor of the most important of holidays, National Frozen Yogurt Day. Around 4 PM YL brought out the special NFYD 5 oz. fro-yo cups. Patrons grabbed a cup (one cup limit per person), swirled and then added toppings. Though the line was long, it moved in an orderly quick fashion (yay). They still weighed each creation and then doled out the special limited edition blue fro-yo spoon.
I saw one guy with spiky black hair swirling Double Cookies n’ Cream fro-yo like a true professional. In fact, the swirling skills of the crowd were quite good...must be true fro-yo lovers in line. They ran out of mochi in under 15 minutes.
Thanks Yogurtland! I felt happy as I enjoyed my fro-yo (original tart and mango mixer tart fro-yo with grapefruit, mango, pineapple and Cap’n Crunch) with my special blue fro-yo spoon.
You know you love me. X0 X0, fro-yo girl.
How fun! I like the blue spoons.
Another addition to my fro-yo spoon collection!
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