Saturday, July 17, 2010

Sympathy for Pajama People

Fro-yo girl here. I'm suffering during this humid, yucky heatwave. Fro-yo helps. I'm also reminded of the plight of the pajama people in Shanghai. The World Expo is taking place in Shanghai right now (May 1st - October 31st) and the Chinese government has cracked down on public pajama wearing.

Shanghai residents have long worn pajamas out in public. During my visit there, I saw a shop employee wearing pajamas, and people riding scooters in pajamas. Pajama wearers wear their pajamas all day. The Chinese government thinks that pajama people are an embarrassment to national pride and has ordered people to stop wearing them in public. According to NPR: "volunteer pajama police are sending residents home to get dressed."

Poor pajama people...especially now when it's sweltering in Shanghai...imagine how nice it would be to get a cup of fro-yo in your pajamas.

Though all the attention is focused on pajama people in Shanghai, I have seen pajama people in other parts of China. My grandfather was a pajama person and he didn't live in Shanghai. But maybe public pajama wearing isn't as popular outside of Shanghai.

You can search for frozen yogurt shops in Shanghai here:

Berryfresh and California Balance look promising.

You know you love me. X0 X0, fro-yo girl.


Bonnibella said...

Cute write up on pajama people and froyo. I don't think there is anything better than sitting outside in my PJs with a cup of froyo

Lolia S said...

I agree! Fro-yo and pajamas go hand in hand.