Thursday, July 1, 2021

Orange Patisserie Boba Brown Sugar Milk Ice Bars Review

Fro-yo girl here. Orange Patisserie Boba Brown Sugar milk ice bars are a product of Japan. There are five individually wrapped small ice bars per box. The bars are wrapped in clear plastic. Each bar is 65ml.

I found them at a H Mart Arcadia for $7.99/box.

The actual bar looked paler than the one pictured on the box. It was soft and creamy with a milky flavor. And it was loaded with boba balls. The boba was soft but not chewy. While the bar was pleasant enough it lacked brown sugar flavor, was very sweet, and the balls were not chewy. It’s made with Okinawa brown sugar but apparently, not much of it.

One bar is 110 calories, 4g total fat, 18g total carbohydrate, 10g total sugars, and 1g protein. The list of ingredients was scary long but the main ingredients are water and sugar.

3 out of 5 stars.

* HMART: 1101 W Huntington Dr., Arcadia, CA 91007

You know you love me. X0 X0, fro-yo girl.

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